Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Texas Prod

Join Date 2/17/2015
Reputation 58
Posts 10
Credits 2
Post/Credit Ratio 0.20
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Texas Prod
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a1454 Frost7
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Re: Post your Twitter to get followed @InclementTeam
Wtf is a Sweaty? What are the rules? How do the teams match? (2:05) Guide [youtube]MwYRWLQNwFc[/youtube] A quick two minute guide that clearly explains sweaty matches. I inc
Re: Xbox one PvP [quote=Micheal Cobb]Looking for a clan filled with only the best PvP players. My k/D is 2.4. I don't
Re: Looking for people to play raids and nightfalls Accidental 2x post
Re: Looking for people to play raids and nightfalls Try , when you register it takes down some of your attributes, like casual/non, pvp or pve
Re: How is the Crucible Skill score on DestinyTracker calculated? [quote=xorth]It's geared more towards your personal contributions than your win/losses. So ka/d is
Re: How is the Crucible Skill score on DestinyTracker calculated? They wont tell you about how scores are calculated i asked about dtr score awhile ago.
Re: Whats Your favorite Shotgun? [quote=Hey Im Swat][quote=Morarn]Please enlighten me on why everything that is designed to fire a si
Re: What is your catch phrase? When i get a really good play "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUCK MY F****** D***" Immature but gets the blood
Re: Submit your Destiny Clips here! Dancing with a sniper Triple Kill Oh so satisfying Sick play

Total Reputation: 58

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